Complications In Emily And Raymond Carver's Short Stories

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In William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” and Raymond Carver’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” not only do the authors illustrate love, but they do so by explaining the different types of complications in relationships of the characters involved in the short stories. Terri’s statement, “the man she lived with before she lived with Mel loved her so much he tried to kill her.” (Carver 722). Although not connected through story, Terri’s statement describes the complicated relationships that Emily and Terri have. The relationships of Emily and Terri are not in what most would attribute to a healthy relationship, but a relationship built solely on infatuation. “A Rose for Emily” and “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” both use character and Character actions to illustrate their complications in Emily and Terri’s relationships. To fully …show more content…

The subtopics of love are sexuality, desire, power, faithfulness/ betrayal. Emily’s character is deeply influenced by her relationship with her father which is Mr. Grier and her romantic relationship with her friend and interest Homer Barron which results in desire and the need of power. While “What we talk about when we talk about love” focuses on the romantic relationship of Terri’s current boyfriend Mel McGinnis, (which later resulted in Mel becoming jealous) and her former abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend Ed. Although the stories differ in the type of relationship complication, the complication seems to only affect their current relationships. Mr. Grierson was a character that was used for the sole purpose of being baggage for Emily as he would keep her from romantic relationships. When Mr. Grierson passed, “The house was all that they left for her…” (Faulkner 716). With the house to herself and her father now gone she was now able to try and gain some