Computer Science Career Research Paper

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If you would like to prepare for this job in high school it is best to take computer courses ( if possible) also you must have very good grades in math, science, and English. A bachelor's degree in computer science is necessary for an entry-level research job, a bachelor's degree in computer science takes at least four years to complete. It is possible to get the job with a related degree such as computer engineering. In order to take on more advanced positions, you will need a masters degree.It can take at least two years to earn a master's degree. Many people in this field have a Ph.D. in computer science or a field alike to computer science. A Ph.D. is required in order to advance to senior research positions in private industries. You also …show more content…

In this job you have to design computer systems and software and figure out new ways to use the computer. In this job you work with computers in ways that most people cannot do. I am also fascinated by the idea of being responsible for designing software or making new methods of using computers. Computer scientist are supposed to expand their knowledge of the computer and help others make full use of the computer's true potential. Computer scientist can also make new technology. An example of this is virtual reality. Virtual reality is growing in popularity, another reason I want to be a computer scientist is because I would enjoy being someone who made a product that many people use and has changed the world. Also computer scientist can make up to $160K a year. Computer scientist can also receive many benefits such as pension plans, dental coverage, paid vacation etc.Being a computer scientist involves working with others in a group.I also like the idea of working with others to achieve big goals, I find the idea of a group of people joining together to accomplish the same goal amazing and would love to be apart of it. I would like to pursue doing something that could help others is a job. If you truly want this career it is best to start working towards it in high school. Taking subjects related to math, computer science, physics is a great way to get a good start for this career. Taking university programs such as computer science, computer engineering and mathematics are good ways to receive the education necessary to become a computer

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