Defeat or sorry? The difference between the Concentration Camps and Japanese Internment Camps was unreal. Just to think someone wanted to have a camp just for killing or to have a camp so you can be removed from your family was just sickening. At least only one of the camps were out of defeat and the other camp was out of sorry. The Concentration Camps and Japanese Internment Camps were different, because of the purposes, care of people, and religion against nationality. The purpose of the camps were opposite, because the Concentration camps was about killing, and the Japanese Internment camps was fear. First, the Concentration camps were all about killing the Jews, during the Holocaust. “Today I have nothing but dismal and depressing news to report. Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken away in droves.” (paragraph 4 Anne Frank). Anne was stating how her friends got caught and were being taken away to these …show more content…
First, the Jews were selected for concentration camps and then killed for their religion. "Today I have nothing but dismal and depressing news to report. Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken away in droves." (Paragraph 4, Anne Frank). The soldiers of Hitler found as many of the Jews as they could to kill, because of their religion. Next, the Japanese Internment camps wanted to show nationality. “In this Bicentennial Year we are commemorating the anniversary dates of many great events in American history.” (Paragraph 1 February 19, 1976). The Japanese were showing nationality in this quote, because it is comparing the quote to one of the biggest events in American history. Finally, in these camps both wanted “attention”toward their government. In these camps, the Jews were brought for their religion, and the Japanese were brought from their