Confederate Argument Analysis

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South Carolina has scheduled another debate over the fate of the Confederate battle flag. This time it can 't be allowed to end in an unsatisfying compromise: The flag has no place flying on the grounds of the state capitol. (Shipley, 2015) P1: South Carolina has scheduled another debate over the fate of the Confederate battle flag. P2: The flag has no place flying on the grounds of the state capitol. C1: This time it can 't be allowed to end in an unsatisfying compromise. The flags assessment is a product of a law that was passed in 2000; that said the flag had to come down from the top of the capitol dome. (Shipley, 2015). Many believe the flag needs to be placed in the Confederate Veterans Memorial. They think the flag brings racist rallying, conflict to civil rights, and hostility to black Americans. Therefore, believing the flag only brings the association with racial violence. Debating over this Confederate flag has many people …show more content…

It wasn’t clear on what was said during the debates, only that Governor Haley, and the U.S. Senators was calling for the flag to be removed. It needs to be more relevant and to the point on this argument. It would have been nice to know; what was said during the debates, which caused its removal. I had to ask myself; what was the conclusion trying to prove to me. I feel it was an unsatisfactory compromise. It is and was an essential piece of American history. For the editor to say; it is an insult to human dignity, and it has dragged American down too long is an outrage. (Shipley, 2015) Where’s the proof? I would hope this is not the final decision on this Confederate battle flag, because it has earned the right to fly. I don’t think it was fair for the legislature to make the decision, or to change the state law. We need to view all the information, and take a survey on how the people in American feel about this