Confederate Monuments Essay

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Confederate monuments are creating a great debate in the United States that is making people more divided than ever before. Ever since the riot/protest that occurred because of the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11, 2017, television and news articles have been filled with different opinions and views people have on this issue. Right sided people argue that they should stay up since they represent a big part of history. Left sided people argue that they should be taken down since they represent views and beliefs the Confederacy once had which was based off hatred and racism. In order to respect both parties opinions, the best option is to take the statues down and out of the public view and put them …show more content…

People believe that the confederacy and the Civil war is not something we should remember and we need to erase it from our history. James Grossman author of the article Why can't those in power just admit the Confederacy was a bad idea? Believes that the confederate monuments represents ignorance of the nation. He thinks that people are forgetting what the Confederacy stood for and we need to forget about this terrible event that happened in our history. He thinks that people “don’t want another history lesson” and that they have “read enough books.” Even though Grossman and the people who want to destroy the monuments have very good reasoning behind their opinion, we need to keep the monuments so that we don’t forget about this part of the nation's history. If we were to forget this happened, it could happen again. We don’t want to repeat history. People need some sort of symbolic reminder of how much slavery and racism divided our country and the monuments could represent that. Grinberg (Where Confederate Monuments End Up) believes that museums “hold items from dark chapters in history” so that “they provoke conversation about a period that a lot of people have forgotten about or don't want to talk about.” Which can be beneficial so that people learn from the nation’s mistakes and not let it happen again. We don’t want to repeat history and in order to do that we can not get rid of the monuments all together because that will make people forget this big event which could eventually lead to this happening