
Conformity In Schools Essay

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Should adolescents be encouraged to conform in an educational setting such as school? Is it easier to do what youŕe told rather than challenge new ideas and thoughts? To conform is to comply with rules, standards or laws. While this can be helpful in some situations, it is not within educational standards. To comply with what you are told is to not question the things you are learning, which can disrupt your development and growth. Conforming to educational standards is detrimental to a students well being, as it hinders their cognitive growth. When younger minds do not question what they are told/taught, they are not using the left side of their brain. According to Cornell University, questions are a way of engaging with students to keep their attention and to …show more content…

Ultimately, students need to question and try things to actually help their brain grow, or it could be harmful to their health. Learning to conform at a young age will most likely discourage one from being themself. Conforming will give the mindset that students should rather copy someone else rather than follow their own path. Medium.com suggests that conformity can diminish one's individuality and uniqueness. A child who cannot think for themself will grow into an adult that cannot do the same. How would not being able to make decisions for oneself affect someone as an adult? INDUS training and research institute claims that demanding conformity from students results in a loss of freedom that will hinder creativity. Rather than wanting children to be some exact way, how about we allow them to learn on their own, and only guide them when it is needed? In brief, children must be allowed creative freedom so that they can learn to think for themselves. Micheal Muthukrishna asserts that ¨people are conformists and thatś a good thing. By being a conformist, we copy things that are popular in the world

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