Confucianism Vs Taoism

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Taoism is an old tradition of philosophy and religious belief. Taoism is also Daoism for the English language. Taoism is all about Tao or The Way. There is no clear answer for The Way. Taoism has no founder and no founding date. It grew out of various religious and philosophical traditions in ancient China, including shamanism and nature religion. Taoism was created 2,000 years ago, and is a religion of unity and opposites. Taoism was first recognized as a religious system during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE and became a semi-official Chinese religion during the Tang dynasty and continued during the Song dynasty until losing popularity to Confucianism. It is also uses yin and yang. The bases for Yin and Yang is to see the world that is filled …show more content…

Also, the pursuit of spiritual immortality, being virtuous and finally self-development. Taoist practices include meditation, Feng shui, which is a Chinese philosophical system that harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. Feng shui promotes prosperity, good health, and general wellbeing by examining how energy, flows all around us; fortune telling and finally reading and chanting of scriptures. This is a religion that is always against wars and weapons. Important Taoist scriptures. Include the Tao-te Ching, the Chuang-tzu and several others. The Tao-te Ching is the central text of both philosophical and religious Taoism. The Chuang-tzu consists of detailed fables, parables, and anecdotes that teach lessons about life and the Tao. Also, the Chuang-tzu has also been influential in the development of Chinese Buddhism and on the Chinese landscape paintings and poetries. There are other sculptures including The Lieh-tzu which teaches us that nature and human actions are entirely mechanical in their daily operations neither divine destiny nor human free will have the power to change the course of events. Taoism has a huge influence on China and Chinese’s Culture even to this

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