'Connections In The Book Sophie's World'

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Sophie’s philosophy course and Sophie’s life have a lot of connections in the book “Sophie’s World”. There are three connections at the end of the chapter called “The Middle Ages”. In the book the two main characters are named Sophie and Alberto. Another character that hasn’t been “shown” but is often brought up is Hilde. When Sophie first meets Alberto in person he tells her about three people who seem like they could be the same people but from the past. Their names were Hildegard, Sophia, and Albert.

Although it is hard to tell who Hilde is she is often brought up. Sophie keeps getting postcards from Hilde’s father saying happy birthday and Alberto brings her up often and is starting to call Sophie by the name of Hilde. Near the end of the chapter Alberto states: “‘The life of the church in the Middle Ages was heavily dominated by men. But that did not mean that there were no women thinkers. One of them was Hildegard of Bingen…’”(182) This may seem like a coincidence but as he explains more it no longer seems so.

After he tells sophie about Hildegard he tells her about the female side of God. He told her that in the Middle Ages many people believed that there was a male and female side to God. On the next page Alberto states that, “‘It was a ancient Christian and Jewish belief that God was not only man. He also had a female side, or ‘mother …show more content…

“Sophie’s World” is a very mysterious book but all of the side details make everything more interesting. There are a lot of thing that she is learning that connect to her life but the ones that stand out most are the ones that are more direct. When Alberto tells Sophie that there was a female philosopher named Hildegard, the female side of God named Sophia, and a famous philosophy teacher named Albert it is very clear that there is a connection between the characters ij the book and the people Sophie is learning