Consequences Of Agamemnon In The Iliad

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In Book 1 of Homer’s Iliad, there is a conflict between Agamemnon and Achilles that later has severe consequences for both the Trojans and Greek armies. Agamemnon and Achilles both have a lack of respect towards each other but if I were a Greek soldier, I would side with Agamemnon. It was wrong of Agamemnon to disrespect Achilles by taking away his prize but it is also wrong of Achilles to lash out to Agamemnon because Agamemnon is the leader. Also, by Achilles deciding to no longer fight in the war he basically sentences the other Greek soldiers to death. It is true that Agamemnon is not the best leader; his pride and foolishness causes many Greeks to die when he dishonors the priest of Apollo. Agamemnon speaks cruelly to the old man, …show more content…

The plagues that falls on the Greek army are the result of Agamemnon’s ignorance. He did not know that his actions would have the consequences that they did but once he’s told by Calchas how to get rid of the plagues, he does as Calchas says, although it took some convincing. Same as when he sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia. Achilles, however, knowingly dooms the Greek army. Achilles asks his mother Thetis to call in a debt that Zeus owes her. Thetis does so, “’Do justice by him [Achilles], Lord of Olympus./ Give the Trojans the upper hand until the Greeks/ Grant my son the honor he deserves.’” (1. 539-541) and this will later lead to many Greek soldiers dying. Achilles purposely curses the Greek army and that’s traitorous. Agamemnon did cause many soldiers to die but he did it unknowingly while Achilles is doing it on purpose. This makes Achilles a traitor. Achilles is trying to punish the whole Greek army just because of what Agamemnon does and that is not right. Many of the soldiers are Achilles’ friends, such as Patroclus, and just because his pride is temporarily taken away, he shouldn’t take it out on the army. This is another reason as to why I, as a Greek soldier, side with

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