Consequences Of Racism In Schools

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Introduction Thomas Sowell once said, “racism does not have a good track record. It has been tried out for a long time and you would think by now we would want to put an end to it instead of putting it under new management.” (Romano, 2013). Sowell’s words clearly depict the complexities associated with the notion of racism. Some people may be concerned with the meaning of racism and others may be arguing about its existence, and all the while there are people like Sowell who are distressed due to the perpetuating consequences of racism on societies. Colette Guillaumin 's (1999) explores these complexities associated with racism in her book section, “I Know it’s Not Nice, But . . .” The Changing Face of “Race,” through which not only does she attempt to answer these convoluted problems but also explores their origins and their unfading consequences on society. To better understand the relevance of Guillaumin’s (1999) claims, this paper will compare her views against one of the most pressing problems in the education system of the USA; racism in schools. The notion of racism being experienced in schools lends support to her claim that Racism is a “de facto” (Guillaumin, 1999, p.45) notion ingrained within human brains. However, the author’s claim that accepting the idea of race and differences leads to violent outcomes and further divisions between people, becomes doubtful considering racism in schools does not exhibit itself in violent terms and multicultural programs within