Conservation: A Sand County Almanac By Aldo Leopold

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Matthew Wendt Ms. Krick English 8 16 October 2024 Conservation “We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” explains Aldo Leopold in one of the most influential conservation works ever written, A Sand County Almanac. Hunting to control populations and conservation fish hatcheries are the most ethical and humane practices that will ensure the survival of all species. Conservation is important to the environment and all wildlife because it protects the Earth and its resources. The methods used for conservation are incredibly important to the overall goal of slowing extinction. Some examples of what people are doing to save …show more content…

They are working to purify the genetics of the fish in the river. One of the most important questions in conservation attempts is ‘How does it ensure the survival of the species?’ Harry Rich, a Seattle City Lights fish biologist and one of the project managers of the hatchery reports that “The trout will experience real life conditions. Recreational hatcheries are not as interested in that (Willenbrock).” This is important because it ensures that the fish will not lose any natural instincts or survival skills while in the hatchery because they are constantly being exposed to the conditions of the habitat that …show more content…

People usually argue about the ethics of hunting. The Oxford University Press, however, explains that “Regarding ethics, hunting proponents argue that killing a deer for food cannot be worse than killing a cow or a chicken. Furthermore, unlike the cow or the chicken, the deer lived a free and wild life before being killed and had a chance to escape (Lin).” People also say that hunting is too expensive or is not effective for controlling populations. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation says otherwise, “Hunting continues to be the most effective, cost efficient and socially acceptable method of population control (Lin).” Having less deer in the wild can help us and the deer because of these reasons. Hunting is unethical or inhumane for some reasons, like being unfair to taxpayers and trophy hunting healthy deer and elk, leaving less in the wild, but overall, hunting is a great conservation strategy for conserving the deer

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