Single Bullet Theory Of Jfk

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November 22, 1963; approximately 12:30p.m. Central Standard Time on Elm St. Dallas, Texas, 3 Bullets were fired during a motorcade. Two bullets hitting President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Governor of Texas, John Connally. The other bullet hit a tree and hit the concrete off target on Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald fired these three shots. The reason for this is unknown because there is no evidence of Oswald explaining why he shot Kennedy. During the investigation, the Warren Commision came up with the Single-Bullet Theory, which explains how the path of travel changed on the second bullet fired at Kennedy. According to an interview with Luke and Michael Haag and CBS News, Luke told CBS how Oswald’s bullet could change course. Luke explained, …show more content…

“Using 3D laser scanners -- a technology that 's come into play in forensics in recent years -- the Haags documented the crime scene of Kennedy 's assassination and their proposed trajectory of the single bullet in an effort to debunk popular conspiracy theories, such as the Grassy Knoll shooter theory, that have persisted in the case.” Using these new ways of figuring out crime scenes, the Haag’s were able to get evidence to disprove “the grassy knoll,” and give evidence to prove the “single-bullet theory”. “So what did they learn in their research? Luke Haag said it 's "easily" demonstrable that one bullet can go through two people "if you understand how this particular unusual bullet behaves and what does after it leaves Kennedy 's body."” Luke stated. “The 6.5 millimeter Carcano bullet made by Olin Winchester is "extremely stable," Luke Haag said. "People didn 't understand then and don 't understand now. It will go through a lot of material, and then when it comes out it starts tumbling ... and that 's how it hit Connally."” (Cochran, Amanda. "JFK Single-bullet Theory Probed Using Latest Forensics Tech." From a CBS interview with Luke and