
Conspiracy Theory Malaysia Flight 370

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There are a variety of conspiracy theories throughout the world that a significant number of people believe to be true. There are also many mysterious events that many people do not even know exists. By definition, a conspiracy theory is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. Many people speculate big organizations, such as the government or Illuminati, are behind many of the big conspiracy theories. Questions such as where did the Malaysia flight 370 disappear over the Indian Ocean? How is it possible there is no trace of the flight at all? Did Adolf Hitler fake his death after Germany's defeat? A suggested conspiracy theory implies Hitler escaped and did not commit suicide as reported. Is this possible? …show more content…

However, there is another type of conspiracy theory that has a broader scope and long reaching effect over the general population. This is called the shadow government. This is a theory that implies the government has full control over the people of United States and that the people are led to believe that they have a voice in the government. An example is the federal income tax. Is it truly a federal law to pay income tax? The general consensus to this question is yes. However, there is a perspective by many theorist who indicate that the income tax law was never ratified to the constitution and was intended to be voluntary. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is thought by most to be an agency of the government. It is not; it is an independent for-profit organization who has gained an enormous amount of power. If the theories are correct, the entire country is scammed and tricked into paying collectively billions of dollars that is not required by

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