Constitution Of America Essay

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The United States was clearly chosen to be the place where the gospel would be restored. Indeed, it is the only place where it could possibly be restored. The scriptures explicitly say that the place the Nephites inhabited at that time would be the place where the gospel would be restored. No other country in the 1800’s had the religious freedom like America had. And the only reason why we had that religious freedom, was because the founding fathers, “inspired... but not perfect men” (6), were guided by divine revelation to draft and write the Constitution. They, the founding fathers, wrote the Constitution for many reasons. Yet one of the crucial reasons why they drafted it, is what England did and did not do to the early American colonists. The early settlers left England to find religious freedom, the right to vote, and the right to property. And they did find it here. And the founding fathers did not want to be like their previous overbearing, controlling rulers. They wanted to give the people in the nation freedom do to what the early pioneers were not allowed to do. This …show more content…

With the hand of God helping the founding fathers, “some of his choicest spirits” (5), they created the core principles, rights, and liberties of America and her people. The Lord mentions multiple times in The Doctrine and Covenants, specifically sections 101 and 109, that He helped in the making of the Constitution. In 1st Nephi 13:12, the angel shows Nephi the arriving of Columbus to the Americas. “And I beheld a man among the Gentiles… and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters...” God needed Columbus to find the Americas so just 300 years later, he could inspire and guide the founding fathers to write the Constitution so the restoration of the gospel could come

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