Controversial Arguments Against Euthanasia

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Euthanasia is the process of killing someone in a painless, humane procedure that is meant to be fatal to the patient whenever lethal injection is given.

This is only ever considered whenever a patient is suffering and tends to show no signs of improvement of something serious. You wouldn’t give this to someone if they’re feeling bad with the flu, or are having bad allergies during the summer. It is a last resort when hope isn’t seen and the patient or their loved ones make the decision.

Euthanasia is a hugely controversial subject, as many call it is assisted suicide. The word itself, ‘Euthanasia’, comes from Greek language, ‘eu’ meaning ‘goodly well,’ and ‘thanatos’ meaning ‘death.’ This basically means ‘good death’ or ‘easy death.’

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Many agree that a competent and incurable patient should have the right to choose death over many more years of lengthened pain and suffering and have a earlier death since it is inevitable. The Court has already made many more controversial decisions on topics such as marriage, family relationships, procreation, contraception, and the refusal of lifesaving medicine. This should be regarded also.
Patient Relief: A doctor's main priority should be to help their patients. If a patient has lost that wonderful quality of life, are in constant pain, and have no such hope of getting well, ending their life would be giving them that final relief. For them, and for family and friends.
Medical Funds: After euthanasia, the money that was being spent on them can be freed up for people also in need of help. Spending so much money on people that will in the end, not get well, is a very difficult situation, especially when other people could be using treatment.
Freedom: Many will state that euthanasia is an exercise of our freedom as Americans.

CONS OF …show more content…

Life is precious, and we should fight for it while we have it, no matter what.
Religion: In many religions, suicide is frowned upon, and give no good results in one's afterlife. This can be more of a personal turmoil, but it can effect the patient and the family whenever that is an option as tempting as it could be for whenever you’re suffering.
Doctors and Death: Many people believe that a doctor's one true priority should be helping a patient, and that a doctor having the power to end a patient's life should not be in their range of power, or part of their priorities as a

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