
Controversy Of Huckleberry Finn

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Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is one of the most controversial novels that is taught in schools, making a major influence on American Literature with Twain’s use of satire and theories throughout the novel. Mark Twain’s real name is Samuel Clemens. His pen name, Mark Twain came from Mississippi when he was on the river and others called out that name. Twain, who was born in Florida, Missouri and wrote this book about his dream adventures growing up. His biggest dream was to become a steam boatman. A summary about the book is a young boy running away from home because he has an abusive father. Two sisters, Miss Watson and an unnamed widow, takes Huck in and tries to teach him etiquette and tells him to read the Bible. The sisters want to adopt …show more content…

While there are some books that does replace the word with slave some say it should not be. Some say the 219 times the word is used gets in the way of the true diction in the book while others state it brings out the real way people talked back then. Randol Williams’, a co-owner and editor of NewSouth Books, publishers of the sanitized edition of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn that replaces the N-word with the word "slave." Says that it does censor the book. He states that they are not trying to replace Twain’s original view on the book with his use of the “N” word. The revised version is there for anyone who feels uncomfortable about the original book, but still wants to read it. However, David Bradley, a professor at the University of Oregon thinks that it is one of the greatest books in literature and that they key to understanding the book is through Twain’s use of language. The use of the word and how people choose to view or teach is determined by them. Some teachers would rather not say the word in fear of offending classmates while others think its how the book should be taught and how it helps students better understand the book. (News, ""Huckleberry Finn" and the N-word …show more content…

Satire is the use of irony, exaggeration, humor, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. One use of satire in this novel is when the sisters want to adopt Huck, but the town gives custody to Huck’s biological father even though the court realizes that he is a drunk, abusive father who has a lack of education with poor character. Another use of satire is when Tom and Huck try to set Jim free, but, Tom gets shot in the leg and they are caught. The town wants to execute Jim. The doctor then brings up how enslaving him is a good idea even though their mission was to set Jim free. Tom then explains how Jim was freed when Miss Watson died and in her will she let Jim free. A last example of satire is when Miss Watson tries to explain to Huck how important it is to read the Bible so he can learn to be kind to people. Huck then realizes that Miss Watson is being a hypocrite since she owns Jim. This is satire by irony because she says one thing but does another and Huck does not feel like this is a good example of being kind towards other people. (Imperial, "Satire in Huck

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