Controversy: Real And Other Reasons For Global Warming

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Global Warming Global warming is the term used for the rise in the earth’s average climate in recent years. Some people are very concerned about it while others believe it has little to no effect on the world. There are many people who believe it is real, while there are some who believe it does not exist. Overall, though, the main controversy discussed throughout the scientific world and media is based on the idea that global warming is real and is occurring. The argument is, whether the greenhouse gases are the reasons for the increased temperature changes or if there are other reasons for global warming. These ideas then lead to the arguments of how global warming must be treated or not treated. Global warming is the process of temperature …show more content…

Those who believe that global warming is occurring base their argument on five main points: the sea level is rising, the earth’s temperature is rising, the ocean’s temperature is rising, glaciers are shrinking, and the ocean’s acid level is rising. All of these affects are believed to be considered global warming. On the other hand, those who do not believe that global warming is occurring believe each of those facts are false. Those who are against the idea that global warming is real argue the fact that there is not enough evidence to prove any of the pro-global warming ideas. For example, they state, there has been no significant temperature changes since 1997 and that arctic ice glaciers have actually grown over the past few years. Although, these ideas and beliefs are credible, the main controversy regarding global warming today is what has caused …show more content…

The saltwater marsh keeps moving more inland, and humans have already built sidewalks and structures, railroads, and other man made things then it will effect the ecosystem. Global warming has affected plants and animals all around the world. When the temperature is changing all throughout the year at different times each year. It is causes things in that season that occur to come sooner. For example plants starting to grow, or even animals coming out of hibernation. The second and main controversial topic regarding global warming is given with the assumption that global warming is real. Those who believe that global warming is real then divide into the opposing arguments on what has and is causing global warming. Some believe that global warming is caused by the greenhouse gases created by humans, while others believe that global warming is happening because of natural causes. According to __, it is fact that the hottest years recorded in the world’s history have been in the last thirty or so years, and the earth’s average temp has risen at least half a degree Celsius in the one hundred years. ___ does include the statement, “These extreme weather events may be evidence of human-caused global warming or just natural climate variations or chance occurrences” to show that although global warming is occurring, there are still arguments on what is causing global

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