Ralph: You Creationists and your wacky beliefs! Why do you believe that the Earth is flat? You know the Earth’s round not flat right? Jasmine: I’m aware of that, I don’t believe the Earth is flat. In fact the Bible doesn’t teach a flat earth. In Isaiah 40:22, the Bible states “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in”. Ralph: Oh… Well then why are you Bible Creationists so anti-science and anti-logic? I mean scientists can prove that Noah’s ark didn’t actually happen, after all it’s just a fable isn’t it? Jasmine: Actually, most fields of science were developed by men who believed in the Bible, Isaac …show more content…
Jasmine: Yeah, and he wasn’t the only one, Francis Bacon, was also a Bible-believing Christian, and as I’m sure you know he is a reputable scientist who developed the scientific method. Ralph: Wow, I didn’t know that. What do you have to say about Bible creationists who believe that the Earth is the same now as it was at the beginning of creation? Jasmine: Well, you’re wrong on this one too, because no Bible creationists believe that, we do believe that significant changes have taken place over the 6,000 years of the Earth’s history. The biggest change was the worldwide Flood, which we know to be true because of the billions of dead things, buried in rock layers, laid down by water all over the Earth. Ralph: So you’re saying you think the Earth is only thousands of years old? That’s crazy! The Earth’s millions of years old! Jasmine: The millions of years you believe in is according to the secular history of the Earth, instead, the Biblical history provides proof that the Earth can only be thousands of years old, not millions. Ralph: Hmm, I see now, forgive me for wrongly accusing you of matters I’m clearly not educated on, which is why my arguments are so