Converse Characteristics Of Artemis And Oeneus

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Artemis displayed converse characteristics as a kind person who could also cause mass destruction. Artemis was not at all a villain. She always helped youth in need such as Arethusa and Iphigenia, and loved all wild animals with a passion. She was even thought of as nurturing. She was extremely kind almost all the time, but when she was wronged, she had a great wrath. In many instances, Artemis was crossed and responded vengefully. Orion, Oeneus, Actaeon, Callisto, and Otus and Ephialtes were all avenged by Artemis. Orion was blinded by king Oenopion. Once he regained his sight, he looked for the king but did not find him. He then moved to Crete and became one of Artemis 's hunters. She soon fell in love with him just like Aurora. Another woman falling in love with Orion made Artemis jealous. …show more content…

Artemis 's reaction to another woman loving Orion was extreme. Orion was not guilty, he simply embraced the love Aurora felt for him. Artemis went beyond punishing Orion for being a victim of another woman 's affection, she hurt Aurora by murdering the one she loved most. A loved one in pain hurts more than