Conversion Therapy Argumentative Essay

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The phrase “if it ain't broke, don't fix it” is widely recognised as good advice, however grammatically incorrect it may be. If someone tries to fix something that isn't broken generally, they break it. The same goes for members of the LGBT+ community. There is nothing wrong with gay people (or otherwise), but many believe there is something wrong with them. Homophobic people believe they can “cure” the gay using conversion therapy. Conversion therapy or reparative therapy, is psychotherapy used in an attempt to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. Conversion Therapy for minors should be banned in every state in the US While it is true that parents are in charge of their children until they are legal adults and thus should …show more content…

LGBT+ youths are taught to hate themselves by their “therapists.” Patients are taught that being gay is disgusting and wrong. Many ex-conversion therapy patients have shared their experiences and the trauma they endured at the hands of their “therapists.” One such ex-CT patient, Chris, recalled his “therapist” showing him straight pornography and asking him how he felt about the images in an attempt to nurture heterosexual fantasies. Laura Markowitz, author of "Therapists Should Not Try to Change Gay People's Sexual Orientation," wrote about this man's experience, “‘When Chris was unable to stay away from his friend, Dr. L. taught him an imagery exercise to try to help Chris develop aversion to the idea of homosexual contact with [his friend]. He instructed his young client to imagine his friend covered in feces and vomit because ‘no one wants to kiss that, right? And that's what a guy kissing a guy is like—disgusting,’ Dr L. assured him.” Dr L also “educated” Chris by telling him that the stereotypes about gays is true, and if he have into being gay, he would be an unloved sexual predator preying on young boys in parks. Chris was given misinformation that left him feeling ashamed and afraid to be who he really was. Chris and many other ex-CT patients have severe mental health problems as a result of this

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