Cookies Express Executive Summary

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The fictional organization that will be outline in this paper is for Cookies Express. Cookies Express Inc. (CEI) is a production company. The company was created by a small group of investors in 1995. The first year the company had sales of $500,000 in specialty cookies followed by over $2.5 million the second year. The company is currently generating $16 million a year in revenues. The company is currently a midsize organization. The organization’s main product is their specialty cookies that are produced and marketed across the United States. The organization currently has three plants which are in Georgia, Texas and Chicago. The company employs just over 13,000 workers. This number excludes the operations that are outsourced. Organizational …show more content…

A synopsis of the structural overview is provided in the following section. CEI has shareholders of our organization are individuals vested in the company that own stock and when the company is productive they earn benefits of the organization’s accomplishments. There is an elected Board of Directors that monitor the operations of the organization for the shareholders. The BOD is responsible for ensuring that a competent Director/Executive in in place, review policies regarding dividends and executive compensation. They also assist in being a support system to upper management and help in formulating goals for the organization. Director/Executive Office who oversees Finance, Legal, Production, Investment, Marketing, Technical and Human Resources and the operations of the organization. She is responsible for making all major decisions for the organization. All the …show more content…

The organization will continue to espouse creative ideas, recipes and processes that will benefit our interested parties. The organization will continuously utilize R & D and consumer feedback to continue to introduce innovative products and ideas into market. CEI will continue to leverage our presence to seize other marketing opportunities. Our core values, since the creation of the organization, have been based on values of trustworthiness, reliability, integrity and consumer commitment and these values will never be compromised (Chandler, 1962) Outline the basic planning process for the organization, and describes how the three levels of management influence this process. The plan for CEI places emphasis on actions and not so much on how we get it done. The focus is place on developing new create products in our market, moving into new markets or expanding. There are plans created such as initiatives to ensure positive cash flow and this is done in conjunction with our finance department. A plan such as this would assist the organization in bargaining and

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