Coon Character Model Essay

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The Coon character model can be played by very young children all the way up to adults in order to reinforce black stereotypes. The Coon can be subdivided into two groups: Pickaninnies and Uncle Remus. Pickaninnies are usually played by children and the Uncle Remus is portrayed as an adult male. Uncle Rums considered to be a “pure coon”, he is unreliable, crazy, lazy, butchers the English language, not bright as all. The pickaninnie is a harmless, leisurely youth, who has an over-exaggerated physical response to all situations that arise during the course of the show , the situations usually arise due to the ridiculous trouble making antics of the child. Martin Lawrence plays both types of the coon in his show “Martin”. It is very clear from the opening of the show that Martin is a buffoon, he appears singing and dancing in his socks and underwear. Martin Season 1 Episode 1 introduces the viewer to the main characters Martin and Gina, and their friends. In this pilot episode Gina (his girlfriend) teases Martin about crying during an animated movie “Beauty and the Beast”. Martin, a radio show host, later boasts to caller about his dominance in his relationship and how he is in control of the relationship and his girlfriend. During the buildup of the situation Martin portrays both forms of coon; he is loud and dramatic which …show more content…

Martin as his own mother struck me as a mammy physically: she was unattractive, was given a large bosom and a much exaggerated backside. Martin as the neighbor, Sheneneh is unattractive with a distorted physical appearance. The couple’s friends Tommy, Cole, and Pam also have elements of the coon as well, Tommy and Cole are in Martins apartment when he comes home from work implying that they may not have jobs . Cole, and adult man who lives with his mother, and frequently says nonsensical things is portrayed as unintelligent and