Copyright Fair Use Law Essay

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One of the most fundamental and debated core principles of America revolves around the First Amendment, specifically free speech. With the exponential growth in both the advancement and broad expanse of the internet, policy regarding its implications remain slightly outdated. The past decade has seen rapid growth in online creators including websites, music artists, video creators, and podcast creators to list a few. Over time, the issue of using others’ content has arisen, and the question of what should be protected under copyright laws surfaced. The issue is complicated because one does not want others to commercialize and benefit off of the ideas of others, however not being able to say certain things or analyze bodies of literature or music may be viewed as infringing upon the first amendment. Consequently, there has developed a complicated gray area of what should and should not be protected, of what is and is not legal. To subsidy this complex issue, the copyright fair use law was created, with four …show more content…

The implication of these fair use regulations is broad and significant and allows for creative freedom. For example, from the first factor, podcast creators are able to analyze other works and utilize them in their audio-based content to either parody, satirize, analyze, or discuss the work, all of which allows for greater artistic expression because without this ability, certain ideas and shows would not be possible. The second factor allows for the broad use of factual works for educational purposes, and fictional in the cases of analysis and commentary. Additionally, the third factor allows works to be used is the right amount to respect the original creator. The fourth protects the monetary impact of the original creators. Copyright fair use is significant because it allows for creative freedom while also protecting people’s