Coral Reef Literature Review

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The works carried out by various authors in the related area is given in this literature review. The study effort taken by different authors in the relevant areas is summarized and presented in this section. 1.2.1 Coral Reef The paper ‘Present status of coral reefs in GOM islands’ is the work of Ajmal Khan S et al (1996). The current status described by the authors regarding the status of coral reefs which plays a very important role in the GOM. Fringing reefs are found enormously in the Krusadai Island. Certain area of the island corals are exposed to low tide and muddy in nature respectively. The species of corals that occur in this island is Porites. For construction purposes the corals are destructed in these islands and this damage …show more content…

The wrecked ship acts as a habitat for flora and fauna settlement. Historical and modern shipwrecks act as artificial reef development if they are preserved properly on the sea floor. The increase of settled marine organisms in spin creates complex artificial reef structures and food for the assemblage of fish. The study was conducted by S. Geetha and J.S. Yogesh Kumar, (2012) on a twenty year old ship wreck in the GOM, India. The study was carried out from June 2008 to December 2008. This period was regarded by local fisher folk as a major fishing site. Using the Line and Belt transect method artificial reef communities were assessed to find the composition of benthic organisms like soft corals and live corals. Plenty of common reef fishes is also reported in this area. Certain parts of the ship are explicit to the elements above the water surface during low tides. The remains of the ship act as an artificial reef. The artificial reef is a suitable place for corals and other marine living beings. It also helps in the reef protection. The study was carried out on ten different kinds of reef forming corals that covered the wrecked ship. Coral development in the wrecked ship attracts many associated …show more content…

alvarezii is very essential. The physico-chemical parameters and bacterial characteristics of the coral reef environment on Gulf of Mannar biosphere reserve was studied by Kannapiran et al (2008). The study by the authors showed that the bacterial concentration in coral reef areas than the other non reef areas. The bacteria decompose organic material in the coral reef region and provide the sufficient nutrients for the corals. The physicochemical parameters vary with the seasonal variations. The concentration of nutrients was recorded as low during the summer season probably because of the utilization of the live matters. The study related to coral reef disease prevalence in Mandapam group of islands is carried out by G.Mathew et al., 2009. The study suggests that frequency of temperature variations leads to more prone to coral reef diseases. The diseases in coral are caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or fungi. The diseases in coral affect the reproduction rates and the population of corals. Diseases contribute to mass coral mortality. During last decade studies about the coral diseases have been increased. Coral reef diseases also cause deforestation, and soil erosion. There is no