Core Strength In Hockey

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Lyell Wylie Mrs Williams Sports Science Core strengthening Hockey 2017 Section A: Core strength is the strength of the underlying muscles of the torso, which help determine posture. The core functions as a solid unit but it can anatomically be broken down into three segments; the inner core, the anterior outer core (anterior chain), the posterior outer core (posterior chain). The modern game of hockey today insists on a strong core strength for balance and to improve ones game. Every hockey player is familiar with the phrase “core training” as most coaches would have done some sort. The ways in which a well-developed core contributes to your performance out on the turf is highly beneficial. Although it is not just limited to performance, …show more content…

The exercises focus not only on the outer core but inner core strength as well. Strengthening muscles such as the oblique’s, transverse abdominis muscles, serratus anterior, rectus femoris, rectus abdominis, erector spinae and many other muscles found in the inner core, the anterior outer core (anterior chain) and the posterior outer core (posterior chain). These exercises are very basic without the use of any other external weights for the growing bones and bodies of an 11year old to prevent any injury or faults in growth. Just body mass is used against the participants actions. Other muscles are also worked in the exercises but mainly the core is focused on. Balance, flexibility and concentration is tested and improved through these exercises. These exercises are extremely good for an 11year old hockey player as it helps to build a strong, healthy, injury free body at a young age and thus improving performance as hockey is a sport in which to be a top player, core strength, balance, flexibility, body strength and limit pushing is …show more content…

-the crunch mainly works your rectus abdominis region however it also works a few other muscles as seen in the picture; pectorials, latissimus dorsi. -crunches and sit ups help improve your balance, posture, athletic performance, core strength and make daily tasks easier. This all allowing for a greater hockey playing performance as hockey is all about balance and strength. –sit-ups= Have your knees bent and the balls of your feet and heels placed flat on the ground, cross your hands on opposite shoulders to make them crossed over your chest, tighten your abdominal muscles gently, keeping your heels on the ground and your toes flat to the ground, slowly and gently lift your head first, followed by your shoulder blades, hold the position for a second. –vertical crunches= Your legs should be kept straight as it helps to tone your hip flexor and thigh muscles, the