Cornelius Vanderbilt And His Rivalry With John Rockefeller

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This episode is about about Cornelius Vanderbilt and his rivalry with John Rockefeller. Cornelius Vanderbilt was a businessman who was known for his toughness and his tendency to prove his toughness in fights. When he was 16 he bought a small ferry boat, and with his cutthroat business style he was able to turn that single ferry into a fleet of ships. Later he was nicknamed "The Commodore". He later realized that railroads were the new thing to invest in. He sold all of his ships and invested it into railroads. He later closed the Albany bridge and bought the majority of the stocks because of the decline of the stock market. With this purchase he gains control of the rival railroad company. After this he builds the Grand Central Depot. At the …show more content…

Vanderbilt makes the deal with Rockefeller for 1.65$ a barrel and having all his trains filled with oil. After making the deal Rockefeller realizes he has over promised Vanderbilt. He searches for a way to refine oil and produce kerosine faster but it had been stated in the media to be dangerous. Rockefeller wanted to quiet everyone's fears of kerosine so He starts his company called Standard Oil. He had found his way to produce kerosine and Rockefellers industry has great success and expands tremendously and eventually outgrows Vanderbilt's deal. With this outgrowth he makes a deal with Tom Scott and Andrew Carnegie to tries to gain even more control of the oil refinery. He eventually controls 90% of the oil refinery in the U.S becoming more powerful than Vanderbilt, and also becoming the first monopoly in U.S. History. Vanderbilt forms an alliance with Tom Scott to try and take back power and stop Rockefeller's monopoly to try to gain back power in the railroad industry. Rockefeller builds a oil pipeline system that spreads across the U.S and the railroad companies' stock