Cornucopia Bloodbatch Research Paper

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The 74th hunger games was a truly gruesome event this year after having many of the contestants die at what people have called the “Cornucopia bloodbath” The leftovers were a significantly smaller roster then in past years but exactly who were these contestants or more importantly who was the sly little fox of District 5?
District 5 known for its main export of solar power, may have had a treasure in its midst with a young 15 year old girl known only as “Foxface,” (Mainly due to her sly fox-like appearance and elusive behaviour.) Who survived the games using only her wit, speed and most importantly her ability to hide while the others died. That was until she ate some very poisonous “Nightlock” berries, most people have assumed it was by accident but there is heavy speculation against this most saying that it was actually…suicide. This thought was provoked by the fact that during training she was said to have the fastest time on matching which berries were poisonous and which were not, Nightlock berries being on that list. …show more content…

Why did the fox decide to give up when she looked to have every chance of winning? Well, Hunger games’ chief medical examiner shared some very surprising news late last night that had shed some light on the mysterious death. “Her body was severely emaciated, even if she did win she would not have survived much longer.” Well, there it is, if it’s not clear by now this means that the fox simply wasn’t sly enough. Foxface had failed to calculate just how much food she would need, so while her genius plan of taking “just enough to not be noticed” actually ended up being her undoing. Which means in the end, no matter how sly the fox was she simply wasn’t strong enough to survive with the