Corrie Ten Boom Analysis

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Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, whether that be in a God or gods (Dictionary). It has the ability to bring people together as well as the power to tear them apart. This is shown through the writing of Corrie Ten Boom in The Hiding Place, and Armando Valladares in Against all Hope. Both tell the stories of lives lived as political prisoners that were treated inhumanly by their oppressors. The Hiding Place takes place in Holland during World War 2, and later in the book, Germany. It tells the story of Corrie Ten Boom 's life, focusing on the time she spent in captivity as a 50 year old woman. Time spent because she organized the headquarters of the Underground and because she harboured Jewish people in need. Against All Hope takes place in Cuba during Fidel Castro’s regime. Armando Valladares spent 20 years imprisoned in Cuban jails, 20 years of beatings, starvation and other inhumane treatments while the rest of the world looked on and did nothing. Both books were powerful pieces showing the peace and light that comes with religion.
Corrie Ten Boom and Armando Valladares both became political prisoners through their religion and their beliefs. Still, …show more content…

Armando would, in times of loneliness and desolation pray to God. When “lack of sleep and tension were seriously affecting” him, “That was when God began to become a constant companion”(Valladares 34). However, Armando “never asked God to get [him] out of” Isla de Pinos, he believed that God should not be used for that kind of request. Armando asked only that God allow him to be able to resist, as well as to give him the “faith and spiritual strength to bear up under the conditions without sickening with hatred. [God 's] presence made his faith an indestructible shield”(Valladares