Corruption In Animal Farm Essay

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Animal Farm

Has a parent or friend ever lied to you to trick you into doing something you didn’t actually want to do? It may seem that power-hoarding and ignorance might have had the greatest impact on the corruption of Animal Farm; however, manipulation had the greatest impact. Manipulation had the greatest impact to the corruption of animal farm because it was the tactic used the most throughtout the novel.

First of all, one factor that led to the corruption of Animal Farm was power-hoarding. The ways that power-hoarding behavior show up in Animal Farm is Napoleon taking over all power. Napoleon changed “Beasts of England” to “Comrade Napoleon”, he convinced everybody that snowball was bad, and he changed the rules/commandments so that they specifically applied to him. Such as saying that the animals could only sleep in beds without sheets, and that they could drink beer. The text states, “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” Napoleon changed the rules so that he could sleep in a bed. The text also states, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Napoleon implies that some of the pigs are more equal than others. Napoleon is the one who decided the rules and who is more equal, …show more content…

The ways ignorance shows up in Animal Farm is when all the animals leave animal farm, but their oblivious to the fact that staying with Mr. Jones would be their best option. Ignorance also shows up when Napoleon changes the rules on Animal Farm, and all of the other animals just go along with it without realizing they’re being used. The text states, “It was announced that from now on the pigs would get up an hour later in the mornings than the other animals, no complaint was made about that either.” (Orwell 68) All the other animals didn’t understand that Napoleon kept changing the rules, and they were oblivious to the fact that they were being used and lied