
Corruption In 'Lottery And Animal Farm'

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"ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.” George Orwell captured corruption between the animals by showing the audience how the pigs were controlling all the animals without them knowing that Napoleon (winner of the election) is corrupted and scamming all the animals without them knowing about it. Animal Farm by George Orwell uses Fictional techniques to display the use of corruption to gain power, the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut and the movie Divergent by Neil Burger shows how dictatorship was used to control people and become the most powerful person while Lottery by Shirley Jackson showed the audience how one event changes every person’s thinking. In each of them, there is a plot that is based …show more content…

This short story is based on a ritual that was conducted every year on June 27th, the ritual was held every year to show a good harvest of corn. Tessie started to protest the ritual because her family won the lottery which meant she would get rocks dropped on her and get stones placed on her. As soon as Tessie won the lottery, everyone changed and started going against her. This shows the audience how one event can change everyone mentally corrupted and make them go against you. Harrison Burgeron and Lottery both had a theme of corruption, Lottery showed the audience about corruption in a bad way and how everyone turned against Tessie once she pulled out the lottery, but in Harrison Burgeron corruption was used in a good way by the government but also an unpleasing way for the people who are affected by it. The government made everyone handicapped, so everyone is equal no matter if you are more beautiful, strong or smart, you would still have been handicapped, so everyone has something in common and no one is better than each other. This shows the audience that corruption can be used in good and bad ways but there will always be some people who are affected by it in an unpleasant …show more content…

Jeanine Mathew uses a serum which is inserted into the members of the Dauntless faction to control them without them knowing that they are being controlled, Jeanine Matthew is then starting to make Dauntless kill each person from the Abnegation faction, which would allow her to have control over the whole city. Divergent is similar to Harrison Bergeron because in Harrison Bergeron the government forced people to wear weights, masks, and earpieces, and in Divergent people were forced to get a serum inserted inside their necks. Divergent and Harrison Bergeron shared a common topic “Corruption”, and both showed how corruption was used to control people and use their power in a wrong

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