
Corruption In The Great Gatsby Essay

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3.1. The American Dream The American Dream is the most prominent theme of the novel. A considerable amount of literature has been published discussing the American Dream during the 20th century. A highly influential book that treats the theme of the American Dream and its corruption, has been “The Great Gatsby”. “The Great Gatsby” portrays the American Dream as a symbol of economic success, representing a prosperous dream of unlimited possibilities. It is believed that hard work and determination are two most important aspects of the American Dream. Those two aspects are considered the stepping-stones to success and prosperity. It is also believed that every American citizen is capable of becoming successful regardless of class, ethnicity, …show more content…

Tom and Daisy Buchanan are the representatives of Old Money. Tom Buchanan fits into the category of the leisure class, a class that consists of a group of individuals who live on the fruits of the industrial community rather than within it. Their main features are consumption and their prominent leisure. He wastes his money and time in unproductive amusements and useless goods, where the rest of the industrial population has to perform hard work in order to survive. The superiority of the leisure represents a symbol of social decay, and in this light Buchanan’s aggressive manners, racist ideas, deception, and obsession with sport, prove not only his degeneration but also highlight his place as an obstacle to the progress of society. According to H. Bloom (2010), “He is afraid of both the power of the newly rich, such as Gatsby, and the political transformations which may emerge from the proliferation of new races in society.” (p. 53). “For him, it is Jay Gatsby who represents a mode of racial indeterminacy or vanishing that threatens to violate not only the immediate community of East Egg but also the very concept of Americanism itself.” (Bloom, 2010, p.

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