Corruption Of President Nixon Essay

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“I am not a crook.” As President Nixon claimed after the Watergate scandal. That caused his downfall. The Watergate scandal on June 17, 1972, after burglars were arrested trying to break into the DNC. Due to his reckless responses to Watergate, President Nixon should have been impeached by Congress. He used his position of power to obstruct justice and break his presidential oath. For the sake of maintaining that power, Nixon's misuse of authority permitted him to commit crimes with little scrutiny. While breaking his presidential oath to be truthful to the American people, Nixon insisted he didn’t get involved. Finally, when requested to follow Congress' orders, he refused and instead tried to hide his involvement, thereby committing obstruction of justice. A president should know when elected, he or she agrees to all of these …show more content…

However some would argue that Nixon acted appropriately as president to "protect" the nation, but no president is above the law. Overall giving Congress a solid clear reason for Nixon being impeached. President Nixon abused his position of authority by paying several people to breach the DNC in an effort to get information for his benefit. Which one can achieve with the authority of the U.S. president. Being proved when Barabra Jordan states “The evidence reflects the payment to defendants of money. The president had knowledge that these funds were being paid and there were funds collected for the 1972 presidential campaign” (Barbara Jordan speech to the House of Judicial) Thus proving Nixon was responsible for a crime by linking him to the DNC break-in. Nixon, however, had not