Corruption Of Women In The Great Gatsby

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As shown in The Great Gatsby, wealth and luxury has shown to result in ethical or moral corruption of one’s self. An example would be Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby: being the two richest men in the novel, they are shown to be corrupted in ways that are not what people expect. While Tom was born into the wealthy life in East Egg, Gatsby was originally a poor man named James Gatz and had to work his way into becoming a wealthy man in West Egg. Tom had strong power and importance in the book and that drew Myrtle out of the Valley of Ashes and she tried to obtain Tom in order to become wealthy. Both men have no regards for the other as displayed in chapter 7. “I suppose you’ve got to make your house into a pigsty in order to have friends in the …show more content…

Specifically: Nick, Daisy, Myrtle, and Jordan. As confirmed while reading the book, Daisy and Myrtle are shown to be dependent on the men around them. Myrtle was dependent on Tom for his money because she and her husband George were poor and lived in the Valley of Ashes. Myrtle following Tom while married to George for around fifteen years ended up sealing her fate in chapter 7 when Daisy unknowingly killed her in a car accident. Both Daisy and Nick are wallflowers and were pawns in the story. Nick was the man who helped out Gatsby arrange him to reunite with Daisy in chapter 5 and had to deal with all of the drama throughout Tom and Gatsby during his summer in East Egg and West Egg. Daisy is shown to be dependent on love. During the course of the novel, she went from Gatsby, to tom, back to Gatsby, and back to Tom. “I did love him once-but I loved you too.” (Fitzgerald 132) Contrary to what others may believe, Jordan is the exact opposite of the typical 1920’s woman. She is shown to be an epitome of confidence and a real surprise to Nick when she first encounters him all the way in chapter 1. “Almost any exhibition of self-efficiency draws a stunned tribute from me.” (Fitzgerald 9) The historical beliefs of women is shifted when comparing Jordan to both Daisy and Myrtle. When seeing Jordan as a sporty, confident, young golfer, Daisy and Myrtle are