Cosby Show Stereotypes

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On September 20, 1984, the Cosby Show made airways and forever changed the general population views on gender roles and race on television. Shows in the 1980s and 1970s were still perpetuated outdated gender stereotypes and televise them, for the American audience to perceive as “normal”. The Cosby Show went against the typical gender and racial stereotypes of African Americans on television. The show reshapes the four basic elements of gender stereotypes such as personality traits, domestic behaviors, occupations, and physical appearance” (“Gender Roles and Stereotypes”). The episode “Back to school”, The school season has begun and each of the children is having a different perspective on the school they attended. Cliff and Clair, nevertheless, are excited they are getting control over their house during the daytime. In the episode of “Back to School,” The Cosby show campaigned against the common gender stereotype being televised on television, and challenge the racial stereotypes being orchestrated by African American families in the media. The show redesigned the depiction of male and female roles in a televised household.
Cliff Huxtable defines four basic elements of gender stereotypes which are personality traits, domestic behaviors, occupations, and physical appearance ("Gender roles and Stereotypes. Cliff Huxtable physical appearance is a tall African American man, who is a husband, and father of five children. He is silly, kind-hearted, and thoughtful. He is just