Cost Of College Essay

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The Cost of College Society advertises the idea that college is full of new friends, new experiences, and late nights full of fun. This party-centered way of thinking poisons the ones mislead by it with empty promises. Despite what some may say, college correlates much more to four intense years of studying fueled by lots and lots of money. Eventually, If one does not have a grip on the situation, tuition will empty wallets and drown students in debt. Recently, a college education has become even more necessary for a well paying job in today's job market. With college only getting more expensive, and debt levels rising, more ways to make college affordable . The cause of the rising cost of college can attributes to colleges spending more than they are given by the government. Administrative positions at colleges keep increasing at a fast rate and therefore school budgets have allocated more money to pay their salaries (Campos). Furthermore, more students can go to college so colleges become more …show more content…

“The Real Reason College Tuition Cost so Much.” The New York Times, 4 April 2017,
Douglas-Gabriel, Danielle. “College Cost Rising Faster than Financial Aid, Report says.” The Washington Post, 26 Oct. 2016,
Weston, Liz Pulliam. "Why Is College Tuition Rising?" The Rising Cost of College, edited by Ronald D. Lankford, Jr., Greenhaven Press, 2009. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. Originally published as "The Real Reasons College Costs So Much," MSN Money, 2004.
Zornick, George. “Bernie Sanders Just His Free College Tuition Plan.” The Nation, 3 April 2017,