Cost Of College Tuition Essay

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The cost of tuition differs for every university and whether or not the student is an in-state resident or an out-of-state resident must then be taken into consideration when accounting for college tuition. Although college is an investment in one’s self, it is expensive. On average in-state tuition in South Carolina range anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000 dollars. The average cost of out-of-state tuition is anywhere between $30,000 and $35,000 dollars (“College Data”). College tuition should be offered at a free or reduced price for less fortunate students that would like the opportunity to better themselves and further their education. The recent increase in college tuition over the years has made it inaccessible to some students. “This enormous …show more content…

If college tuition were offered at a discounted price it would decrease the cost of tuition in half. If college tuition were free, along with discounted tuition, the student must still cover to cost of books and room and board if they wish to stay on campus. Although college is more accessible, the number of students a university accepts will not change therefore universities must be precise in their acceptance selections. To assist with the decision making process students that request for financial assistance with the tuition cost will be required to have an over the phone interview with an admissions councilor. Making college more affordable not only helps the student and his or her family but it also helps with “Establishing a more extensive system of national service that enables young adults or career-changing adults to learn new skills, become part of something bigger than themselves, and network with other people while helping to solve some of the biggest challenges in the nation's communities—all in exchange for discounted or tuition-free college” (“Should College”). To ensure students are serious about their education they must be interviewed before qualifying for free or discounted tuition. This opportunity has the ability to not only change lives, but change

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