Cotton Mather's Wonders Of The Invisible World

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Cotton Mather had minimal involvement in the actual proceedings of the Salem Witch Trials, however, he did prove to be a very influential figure from the very beginning. In 1684, he published the essay Illustrious Provinces, in attempt to prove the reality of the spiritual world. In 1689, he published Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, in which he describes the story of John Goodwin’s children and their speculated “possession”. It is often believed that Mather’s works fueled the flames for the hysteria leading to the Salem Witch Trials.
In 1692, his book Wonders of the Invisible World, further proved him to be an adamant defender of the trials. In reference to Martha Carrier he had wrote “This Rampant Hag, Martha