Council Of Jerusalem Essay

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The Council of Jerusalem was betided as a meeting when several leaders of the Church decided to settle the topic of debate- preaching the good news of Jesus to the Gentiles. This meeting was held in around 49CE when Silas, Judus, Paul, Barnabas, James the assembly and Peter all had different opinions on the inclusion of the Gentiles to the Church (‘The Way’). This meeting became salient for the Jews and Gentiles had constantly argued about how the Gentiles had to live if they converted to Christianity; two of these major issues being most primarily, should the Gentiles be included and secondly, if included should they have to do the Christian practises.
Barnabas was one of the most prominent early Church leaders due to his contribution to the meeting; Paul is known as one of the most ‘important figures in the apostolic age’ (his name was originally Saul) for the way he continued to preach the word of Jesus and how his opinion at the Council majorly impacted modern Christianity. Paul was originally a fanatic Jew until one day he saw a bright light and hard the voice of Jesus. He then converted to Christianity and changed his name to Paul. …show more content…

The Pharisees were a fanatical religious group who follow strict rules and generally argued with about the law. They believed that “the Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the Law of Moses”. At the meeting, Peter acknowledged how God had accepted all and didn’t discriminate but instead, he purified their hearts with faith and why should we burden the Gentiles with Jewish practises when it was in the grace of Christ that they were all saved. Paul and Barnabas spoke of the signs that God had implemented through the