Counseling Open Ended Questions

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L. Open-Ended Questions: Open ended questions encourage people in a counseling session to give more details on their discussion. Therefore, these types of questions are used as a technique by counselors to help their clients answer how, why, and what. M. Paraphrasing: This technique will show clients that the counselor is listening to their information and processing what they have been telling them. Paraphrasing is also good to reiterate or clarify any misinformation that might have occurred. N. Positive Asset Search: A positive technique used by counselors helps clients think up their positive strengths and attributes to get them into a strong mindset about themselves. O. Reflection of Feeling: Counselors use this technique to show …show more content…

Miracle Question: The technique of asking a question of this sort will help the client see the world in a different way or perspective. A miracle question could be something along the lines of: “What would your world look like if a miracle occurred? What would that miracle be and how would it change things?” Q. Stages of Change: By assessing a client’s needs, a counselor can determine the changes that need to occur for their client, and when they should take place. This can be determined by what they believe to be most important. R. Trustworthiness: The counselor must create an environment for their client as such that their client feels that they have the capacity to trust their counselor. A therapist must be: congruent, warm, empathetic, and speak with positive regard to their client. S. Capping: A lot of counselors use the technique of capping during their sessions. Capping involves changing a conversation’s direction from emotional to cognitive if the counselor feels their client’s emotions need to be calmed or regulated. T. Working Alliance: Creating a working alliance between a counselor and their client is essential for a successful counseling environment that will work to achieve the client’s needs. This technique involves the client and therapist being active collaborators during counseling and agreeing upon goals of treatment that are necessary, as well as how to achieve those …show more content…

The listener says very little but conveys much interest. The listener only speaks to find out if a statement (or two or twenty) has been correctly heard and understood. The body language takes into account our facial expressions, angle of our body, proximity of our self to another, placement of arms and legs, and so much more. Notice how much can be expressed by raising and lowering your eyebrows. You need to monitor the tone of your voice - in the same way that you monitor your body language. Remember, the person may not remember what was said, but they will remember how you made them feel. Next, an open question is one that is used in order to gathering lots of information – you ask it with the intent of getting a long answer. A closed question is one used to gather specific information - it can normally be answered with either a single word or a short phrase. Paraphrasing is when you restate what the speaker said. Often different words are used and the listener may be using this to draw attention to a particular concern or aspect. Sometimes paraphrasing is used to clarify. Moreover, summarizing is focusing on the main points of a presentation or conversation in order to highlight them. At the same time you are giving the “gist”, you are checking to see if you are accurate. Lastly, note taking is the practice of writing down

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