
Cover Letter For Admission Essay Sample

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I am writing to express my interest in the Summer Student Intern Program with the City and County of San Francisco. I across this opportunity through my school’s career system. I am currently a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rochester. Based on my engineering coursework, my ingenious mindset, affinity for problem solving, and my background of outstanding group projects, I am confident that I am a strong candidate for this role. During my undergraduate career, I have balanced a number of rigorous course loads, several extracurricular activities along with an on-campus job that have all allowed me to broaden the scope of my experience. Specific to engineering, through my academic projects, I have developed skills in computer aid design and modeling, and have collected and analyzed large amounts of data using computational programs such as MATLAB. Through group projects and presentations that require collaboration and dedication, I have developed strong interpersonal and communication skills necessary to fulfill this role. …show more content…

My aspiration to become an engineer in the Aerospace industry was fueled by a coalition of different experiences that I had growing up and specially during my collegiate years that have kept me motivated to want to achieve my goals. I believe the aerospace industry is highly significant as they are one of the main sources of transporting people and parcels from one place to another in a short amount of time, which only apprise us about the endless amount of thing humans can achieve and has developed my passion in aerospace. Additionally, coming together to solve problems despite the range of personalities has captivated my passion of working with people in order to unravel the potential of

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