Cover Lines And Eating Disorders

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A majority of Vogue cover lines that are about fashion, fitness, and overall appearance. These cover lines can cause some dissatisfaction with readers like myself when talking about this issue because magazine like Vogue add pressure to readers to alway look their best at all times and gives the impression that it’s easy to meet these impossible standards. Especially in a fashion magazine, each issue of Vogue has cover lines about that month latest style that could make readers feel unfashionable with don’t keep up with all the current trends. Another common cover line that usually can cause feelings inadequacy is the cover lines that discuss our appearance. Whether it’s about the latest hairstyle, makeup product or new workout that assures …show more content…

GAM CHANGERS The Secret To Sexy Summer Legs (July| 2017|Vogue). Cover lines like this fueled readers to feel their bodies aren’t good enough. Another type of cover lines that can dissatisfy to readers is cover lines that the new clothing trends telling their readers what they have to buy in order to be considered “fashionable”. These cover line set a very specific look that is deemed stylish and if readers don’t own any clothes like that they need to get them. There was cover line back in October 2015 discuss that latest trends of the season.The cover line was 89 Brilliant Ways To Step Up Your Style (October|2015|Vogue), stating that these eight-nine are must have for anyone who wants to be accepted and look as fashionable.In the two year time period I analyze Vogue covers there was also a total of dissatisfaction cover lines was twenty-seven cover lines.The small amount of dissatisfaction cover lines compare to other magazines. Vogue magazines show that their writers and editors make an effort try to uplifting content in their magazine and try to make their readers feel as positive as

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