Crazy Courage Monologue

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The only thing I know about the hell that I am locked in is that I am safe, so protected. The clock had run in many circles since I had been thrown in here. If I am correct, it ran 342 laps. What else could I have done but track its every movement, for I do not know its powers. The voice that I heard twice a day and every day since arriving had finally shone its face. His face was blank, almost as if he had less emotion than I. He proceeded to drag me out of my chamber, and into another, this one had others in it. I was happy, or as close to happy as one can get. I wouldn’t know what that word feels like. Then I saw him. The person I was to share the chamber with was like an evil doppleganger come to stalk me. I had hoped that whoever kept me here would refrain from torturing me with another one. Another man looking through my flesh, past my pulsing heart, and straight through my soul.(They know what …show more content…

But how am I to get them out? My methods must change from the last time. Although, I should have known that that snake was preying on me, stalking my movements from within the shadows. His lips shaped, slowing into a smile, and while his lips did not move I could still hear the voices quietly whispering for me to get them. The voices, the voices; they screamed at me. It figures that they would be cowards, hiding behind my walls. I was left with no other choice but to get them out. All I had were my hands. There they go again, yelling at me to stop and surrender. Wait, it’s that officer again! What is that thing in his hand, that shines and zaps like lightning? I hope that menacing snake, and his evil sidekicks get them before me. Zap! That zap shook me back into reality, and when I glanced down toward the stone cold floor, I saw the man, with the crooked smile, except he wasn 't smiling, and his razor eye were gone, minus what was left on my