Crazy Love Rhetorical Analysis

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After reviewing Leslie Steiner ted talk: ‘Crazy Love’, I found it to be an eye opener as well as a life long lesson. As I was evaluating her speech, I thought she did a good job overall, although some areas could have used some minor adjustments and/or improvements. Starting with her Topic selection; I thought it was a great topic considered it appealed to the audience who looked like they were between the ages of 20-45, just around the age she had mentioned for domestic violence victims. I thought her introduction were missing a few elements that could have made it that much better. I felt her introduction could have been more confident and including an audience adaptation could have made her introduction that much stronger. I found her …show more content…

Victims also have a hard time leaving because they believe that the abuse will stop because her partner truly loves them. Also, the victims often overlook the abuse because they believe it is a result of their significant other being upset.. Her satisfaction was to not way and for the victims to remove themselves from the situation as soon as possible and end the relationship. The visualization she left for her audience was that if the victims don’t get out, they can possibly die. Which usually comes next after months of beatings and other abuse. Last but not least, her action step was to break the silence. She encouraged the audience to go out and tell her story and talk about it with their friends, family members, and co workers. It is up to us to shine light on it, to intervene and de escalate the problem as well as show victims a safe way out. Steiners final remarks and/or clincher was that, “Abuse thrives only in silence”, I found this quote to be interesting and an eye opener, which is why I will go out and tell her story in hopes of helping someone else find their way