Creating A Balanced Study

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A balanced approach to reading has articulated many different opinions and thoughts in regards to if this approach to teaching best suits children and their reading learning journey. A balanced learning approach uses a variety of different strategies and a dynamic approach to teaching children. This essay details how overall, a balanced teaching approach is beneficial for teaching young children to read. This essay will talk about all of the different elements that make-up a balanced approach to reading, including: Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and oral language. All of these components interrelate to create a balanced approach to teaching to allow children to become effective readers. Making meaning from …show more content…

This element plays a key role in children’s reading learning journey, Adams et al. (as cited in Learning Points Associates, 2004) backs up this statement and further states that phonemic awareness is also a predictor on children’s reading success and is a concept that every teacher should be knowledgeable in and be able to teach effectively and proficiently. Yopp (1992), refers to activities that can be used to develop phonemic awareness in children to be based on the nature of the tasks, for example activities that require students to “match words by sounds, isolate a sound in a word, blend individual sounds to form a word, substitute sounds in a word or segment a word into its constituent sounds” (p. 699). These variety of examples of activities effectively conveys the process of a balanced teaching approach to reading and the flexibility of the approach. This one element of the balanced approach to reading makes up a small portion of this teaching strategy but also plays a pivotal part in children journey of learning to …show more content…

Despite this approach being different to a balanced teaching approach, it can be said that teaching these skills are very much so essential in playing a part in teaching children how to read which is why it can be involved in the balanced teaching

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