Creationism In Public Schools

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Throughout American history the United States has pride itself on tolerance. However, today there is a debate on teaching creationism in public schools. Teaching creationism has been banned since 1968 in public schools, prior children learned about evolution and creationism (Fraser). In many different religions creationism is the belief that an all powerful god or God created the universe; in the context of America the most vocal group is evangelical Christians, which today is the most vocal group in this debate (1). What these gruops don't understand is that public schools must remain neutral in issues related to religious belief because the United States is a secular country, meaning laws cannot show favoritism to any particular religion. …show more content…

Currenlty, the United States has many different religions points of view (2). Teach creationism in small town America may not seem like an issue but in larger cities where there are many different types of demographics this creates conflict and an even in the same religious community people even many different things. For example, in the late 1800s there was a conflict between Protestants and Catholics about what Bible to use in public schools because one group has different interpretations of the bible in doing in doing so both groups rioted the local city hall (3). Fundamentalists groups try to use their own unique interpretation of creationism public school in pinning it against the theory of evolution. Mainly, there are different creationist groups, for example young earth creationists believe that the earth was created and old earth creationists believe that the earth was created over billions of years however in both cases they beleive that all powerful God or gods creating the universe. Teaching either creationists theory would be problematic for public schools because it would do against the neutrality separation of church and state. In most cases these fundamentalist groups only care about their interpretation and not the opinions of other people's beliefs (). According, to the United Methodist if Church teaching creationism in public schools would entangle religion and state …show more content…

Creationists try to use their creation narrative has a scientific theory, which creationism is not science because it can't tested or obreserved. However, in the past 150 years evolution has become the backbone of biology, for example scientist use the theory to fight against the flu using this year virus to fight last virus. Creationists will accept some parts of evolution like micro evolution however they have problems with macro evolution, especially a parts about human evolution and in most cases is what they have problems with the teaching in the classroom. In many cases, teachers will not teach human evolution in a public classroom because of the blow back the receive from parents and the community (7). The creationist use of terminology "teach the controversy" in the classroom meaning they should be time for evolution and creationism in the classroom, however when ask to provide evidence for creationism it cannot meet the scientific process. Moreover, teaching creationist curriculum would require teachers receive training and using resources of the school doesn't have such as money for textbooks and training personnel (6). If fundamentalists parents want their kids to learn creationist material they can either home school or send their children to a religious school, which is a fundamental right to all parent. However, in public schools there has to be the neutrality between

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