Creative Curriculum Essay

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Curriculum Review Form 1. Curriculum name, authors, date published, publisher The name of the curriculum I chose to research independently is Creative Curriculum. It has many authors including Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, and Cate Heroman. This curriculum also has a contributing author, Toni S. Bickart. The curriculum was published in the year 2002. The publisher is Teaching Strategies, Inc.. 2. Age and Type of Child for whom the curriculum was developed. This curriculum is intended for students’ ages three to five years old. The curriculum is meant to be used for all preschool children. This includes children with special needs, gifted children, and English language learners. 3. Who can use the curriculum? Example, teachers, therapists, parents and others (specify). Teacher are the main users of this curriculum. This type of curriculum teaches teachers how to set up the classroom and learning experiences. School administrators, educational coordinators, and staff development specialists can also use this curriculum to …show more content…

Is it appropriate for culturally diverse children? Is it developmentally appropriate? This curriculum can be appropriate for culturally diverse children. However, I do see a conflict that can occur because of culture. Some culture are interdependent, they rely on others around them to do everything. They work more in a team setting. Creative Curriculum is aimed to help children develop independently especially during choice time. Therefore, teachers who use this curriculum need to spend more time creating a sense of community in their classroom, for this reason. The curriculum also strives to be developmentally appropriate for its students. It provides different materials that are at many different levels to cater to all children in the classroom. It also in aligned with the state standards to make sure all activities are developmentally appropriate. 14. Does it describe ways for parents to be

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