Creative Pedagogy Essay

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Creative Pedagogy in the Development of Early Writing
There is a growing number of children who do not read for pleasure. (Clarke and Rumbold, 2006) With high demands on teachers to show high pupil progress in the area of literacy, it is vital that they are able to instil a love of both writing and reading to each child in the class. Teachers must be able to catch the children's attention within minutes of the lesson to get the most out of the child. Because of this, the hook of each writing lesson must impact and capture the children’s imagination.
The hook we chose to use for our series of lesson for a year 2 class was the BFG by Roald Dahl. We would lead into the series of lessons by role playing the perspective of Sophie from the moment …show more content…

There is huge value in allowing the children time and space to role play themselves as well as watch others role play different characters. One of the main features of a diary entry is personal experience, therefore giving the children the opportunity to role play allows them to gain that personal experience upon which they can draw. Role play allows children to have fun, be motivated, and use a variety of social skills. (Budden, 2004) With literacy often being difficult for children to find motivating, use of role play can increase engagement and enjoyment …show more content…

If children are being expected to achieve to a certain level, it is important that they know exactly what is expected. By the use of modelling, children can gain a greater understanding of exactly what is expected of each child. In the series of lessons, the teacher would model the creation and use of a spider diagram. It is likely that a number of children within the class would not previously have created or used a spider diagram. Giving the children the opportunity of observe the teacher modelling, allows them to gain the required knowledge to successfully create their own spider diagram. Not only will this boost their confidence, as they will know what they are doing, but it will also allow the children to achieve more during the lesson. By spending a small amount of time modelling, the teacher can save time later in the