
Creative Writing: Blood Brothers

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Mickey drove up to the familiar warehouse, hidden behind the thick wood. He received a call from his gang leader earlier that morning, informing him about a special meeting. He was cranky and moody due to staying up late last night and having to wake up so early. Mickey let out a sigh as he rub his tired eyes. He made his way into the warehouse and soon greeted with a slap on the back. He turns to see his best friend, Kit Walker. “Good morning,” Kit said smiling. Mickey couldn't understand how someone could be happy now, this early in the morning. “What is the meeting about?” Mickey grumbled instead of a friendly response. “Jeez you're not a morning person,” his friend retorted, rolling his eyes. Mickey shot a glared at Kit’s …show more content…

Mickey look up to see his leader leaning on the doorway of his office, before heading inside. Mickey made his way towards the office. He entered the room, shutting the door behind him before taking a seat at the desk. “I have some important news” Lucas announced, glancing over to Mickey. “I"ve received a call about mother” he continued, making Mickey send him a surprised look. “Turns out that my mother put out 50 million dollars in the bank for her children’s benefit. With that kind of money, we can become rich!” “That's… That's great!” Mickey exclaim. Just the thought of being rich brought a smile on his face. It's not like he didn’t have any money, he had enough to buy an expensive house. But what's the problem in having a little more? “But there's a problem,” Lucas said, pulling Mickey away from his thought. “What is it?” Mickey asked, looking at his leader with worried eyes. “I inform that my little sister, Diana, is alive,” he said placing a picture of a girl on the table. “To receive all the money, only one of us has to get it. “So what's the plan?” Mickey asked, looking at Lucas with a blank …show more content…

It wasn't long before he heard noise coming from the other side of the window, signaling someone in his room. Mickey didn't even bother looking as Kit made his way through the window before plopping himself beside him. “So what the meeting about?” Kit ask. “He wants me to get rid of someone again,” Mickey scoff. It wasn't the first time Lucas sent Mickey out to get of someone since Lucas appointed him to be the second in charge of the gang. A first it was good, but soon it got annoying, especially since he did almost every week. Mickey always knew Lucas had a short temper and it wasn't a surprise when he made appointed Mickey, considering the gang might have a slightly more sane person in charge. Kit sighed. “You know you can just walk out when you want” he added. Mickey simply stared back at his best friend with a blank expression. Kit was the only one who knew of Mickey’s wish to leave the gang. It was always in the back of his mind, but he never considered going thru with it. It wasn't long that Mickey realized how stupid the idea actually was. No matter how much he tried, he will always be part of the

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