
Creative Writing: The Revolutionary War

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“Nathaniel, my love, these redcoats are making me uncomfortable and I fear for the safety of Wren and Cecily without you here,” the letter on mum’s desk read, “Ever since they took you to jail I have read your article over and over and the more I do, the angrier I get. Everything you wrote is true and it should be our right to speak it! I am so tired and worn from-” “Cecily!” I quickly fold the letter back up and turned around to see my mum standing in the doorway. “I… I’m sorry, I just wanted to see if he has responded yet,” I explained, “I miss him, too, mum” The look in her eyes went from anger to sympathy and she came over and sat me next to her. “Wren?” she called. Wren, my little sister who was apparently listening from the stairway, came down and joined us. “I need to tell you girls something,” she began. “When your father …show more content…

These risks were worth taking, though, because it would benefit for the independence of the colonies, and for us. He heard people talking on the streets about the wronging of Britain on the colonies, things like the Boston Massacre, the Tea Party, and all the unfair taxes he passed . He decided early he wanted to make a difference to help declare independence from Britain.” Wren and I nodded in understanding. “Then, when the British parliament passed the stamp act, Nathan wrote an article about wronging of Britain on the colonies and the redcoats got ahold of it and put him in jail. We would have been taken, too, but Nathan would not allow it, and instead he is serving longer time in the cell,” mum explained. “When will he

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