
Creon's Struggle In Sophocles 'Antigone'

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The story “Antigone” is about love, sacrifice, faith, tragedy, and being true to one’s name. “Antigone” was believed to be written around 441 B.C. by Sophocles and was based in Athens, Greece. It was also the first of a series of three Theban Plays to be written. “Antigone” tells the struggles and hardships of two sisters named Antigone and Ismene who are trying to fight for what they believe in. Not only did “Antigone” tell the story of two sisters, but also told the story of Creon, the king of Thebes. Instead of living under the rules and regulations of others, people such as Antigone, Creon, and Ismene chose to fight for what they believe is morally right. Creon was well known for enforcing rigid rules and for punishing anyone who broke …show more content…

Ismene is another example of someone who chose to fight for what she believes. When Antigone and Ismene’s brother, Polyneices, died there where many arguments about how to handle his death. Even though it was against the law, Antigone thought that her brother deserved a proper burial. On the other hand, Ismene is one who values family ties and lives by the law of man. And though Ismene agrees morally with Antigone’s decision to bury her brother, she was too afraid to risk her life by breaking the rules. Ismene shows her appreciation towards the law when she states, “They mean a great deal to me; but I have no strength to break laws that were made for the public good” (Prologue, 62-63). Ismene is explaining that even though she wants to do what is right for her brother she doesn’t have enough strength to break what she so truly believes in. She is also implying that all laws are made for the public good. Meaning that she truly trusts that the laws put in place where meant for the well-being of the general public. Throughout “Antigone” Ismene’s fear of challenging Creon pushes her to fight for what she believes in and not follow Antigone’s plan, that ultimately leads to her fate. Overall when Ismene choses to stand up for what she believes in it is clear that her words and actions ensures that she loves her sister, but also differs from her …show more content…

Antigone’s loyalty shows when she sacrifices her whole life for her family name. There are many times that show what Antigone strives for and how she will work to get there. One example is when she stood up to Creon, risking her life. With great confidence Antigone says, “Then I beg you: kill me”, showing not matter what Antigone will stand up to anyone who gets in the way of achieving her goals (Scene 2, 95). Another example that was seen many times throughout “Antigone” was when Antigone fought for her brother Polyneices. Even though it was against the law, Antigone wanted to bury her brother and let his soul free. After the body of Polyneices was discovered Antigone was found guilty of burying her brother and breaking the law. Creon then put Antigone in a dark vault that was locked shut and was sentenced to stay there until she had died. Once Antigone had been sentenced to death she said, “You are alive, but I belong to death” (Scene 2, 47). Though death might seem like a punishment, Antigone chose it to be something good. To her it was good because after death she would see her family once again. Antigone fought for her family, the laws of the Gods, and for loyalty. All though Antigone’s actions caused her a fatal fate, she never stopped doing what she thought was morally

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